
Through this website, and its many links, we would like to give every Believer an opportunity to evaluate their faith and discover a deeper understanding of their faith through exploring the Hebraic Roots of Scripture. 

The information presented here will provide you with a better understanding about faith in Yahweh and Hebraic teaching. By embracing Hebraic teaching and adhering to it, it will be of value to you in this life and in the life to come; presenting you blameless, holy, and acceptable in love to the Father. 


The mission of First Tabernacle Fellowship is to connect the Christian church with its Hebraic roots and teachings. To fellowship with like-minded believers who are looking for a faith community where the whole Word of Elohim is studied and lived out in a Torah community. 

Core Values

First Tabernacle Fellowship teaches and adheres to Hebraic Scripture as a way of life; and believes that the Prophets and Writings are inclusive of all Scripture. First Tabernacle Fellowship teaches that Yisra’el in the mind of the Father consists of people from the nations who adhere to the Scriptures also known as the Tanakh. 

First Tabernacle Fellowship shall love all peoples as the Father’s created likeness in an image worthy of Himself, and therefore, love thy neighbor as thyself.

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Congregation Service Streaming - 11:30 am Yom Shabbat (Saturday) Pacific Time 

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Yom Shabbat (Seventh Day Saturday) 
Congregation meets at 11:00 am  S
ervice begins 11:30 am until 2:00 pm 

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